How to eat and burn fat all day long with these 10 foods

The “battle of the bulge” is a war that seems to get harder to win the older you get.

Sometimes the fight gets to be downright discouraging as you count your calories and exercise, but you still see the scale climbing.

With a little bit of information, you can actually make the food you eat work for you instead of against you. Knowing which foods help you burn calories or make you feel satisfied so you’ll eat less, may be all it takes to turn the tide in your favor.

Listed below are 10 foods that can help you burn away the belly bulge simply by eating them:

Muscle-building foods
Proteins are an excellent way to help build and maintain body muscle. They are also harder for the body to break down, which means they burn extra calories when they are used.

1. Nuts. All nuts are excellent sources of protein, according to Women’s Health, and they help build muscle. An added benefit to nuts is that they help you feel full faster.

2. Grass-fed beef. Unfortunately, beef has gotten a bad rap today, but it’s actually quite good for you. Dr. Axe recommends grass-fed beef as an excellent source of protein and healthy fats, which can help build muscle and burn calories in the process.

3. Dairy and eggs. As easy sources of protein, dairy products and eggs can help build muscle. Women’s Health shares that they also help build healthy bones.

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