Eggshells: Never Throw Them Away – They’re Worth Their Weight in Gold for Your Home and Garden

c. Compost Enrichment

Adding eggshells to your compost heap is an excellent way to boost the calcium content of your compost. This helps balance the acidity of the compost, making it more beneficial for your garden.

How to use:

  • Crush the eggshells before adding them to your compost bin to speed up decomposition.

2. Eggshells in the Home

Eggshells aren’t just for the garden; they have numerous applications around the house as well.

a. Natural Cleaning Agent

The abrasive texture of eggshells makes them an effective and natural cleaning agent for scrubbing tough stains or grime off pots, pans, and other kitchen surfaces.

How to use:

  • Crush eggshells into a fine powder.
  • Mix with a little water and a mild dish soap to create a paste.
  • Use a sponge or cloth to scrub away stubborn stains.

b. Homemade Calcium Supplement

Eggshells are composed mainly of calcium carbonate, a compound similar to what’s found in dietary supplements. With proper preparation, you can create your own calcium supplement from eggshells.

How to prepare:

  • Rinse and boil the eggshells to sterilize them.
  • Bake the sterilized shells in the oven at 200°F (93°C) for about 10 minutes to dry them.
  • Grind the dried shells into a fine powder using a coffee grinder or mortar and pestle.
  • Add the powder to smoothies, juice, or food to increase your calcium intake.

Note: Always consult with a healthcare provider before using homemade supplements.

c. Deodorizer

Eggshells can also be used to neutralize odors. When placed in the refrigerator or other areas prone to bad smells, eggshells absorb and reduce unwanted odors.

How to use:

  • Place a bowl of crushed, dried eggshells in the fridge or any other area that needs deodorizing.
  • Add a few drops of essential oil for an added fragrance boost.

d. Seed Starters

Eggshells can serve as biodegradable seedling pots, making them an eco-friendly option for starting plants indoors.

How to use:

  • Rinse the eggshells and cut them in half.
  • Fill each half with potting soil and plant your seeds.
  • Once the seedlings are ready for transplanting, plant the entire eggshell in the garden. The shell will decompose and provide nutrients to the growing plant.

3. Creative and Crafty Uses


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