6 Reasons Why Plants Love Cinnamon

3. Defeat Fungus

Some people use ground cinnamon to kill fungi on plants. The spice targets surface-level fungal infections, so you might need other solutions too! You can also try sprinkling it over wild mushrooms if they’re giving your plant problems–it’ll keep them away.

4. Root and Graft Plants

You can make your roses (or other plants) sturdier after cutting and replanting by first dipping them in cinnamon powder, which works like a rooting hormone, a bit.

The cinnamon kills off the competition, so to speak, so that your flower can grow better.

5. Heal Sick Plants

Sprinkle cinnamon on a plant wound to speed up healing and protect it from further damage or disease.

6. Keep Mosquitoes Away from the Garden

Keep the bugs away with cinnamon! The strong smell of this spice deters mosquitoes and other insects, so you can enjoy your garden (even at night) in peace.

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